[vc_row el_class=”page-section” el_id=”care”][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”About Gelid” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_class=”box-title”][vc_column_text el_class=”large-p”]At Gelid Products, our mission is to keep you cool in any application, under any circumstance. Whether you are working on a hot day building homes or out on the golf course playing a round, keeping your core body temperature cool and staying hydrated can be the difference is your performance. We want you to be your best and #StayGelid![/vc_column_text][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”1207,1208,1231,1279″ img_size=”medium” onclick=”img_link_large” el_class=”jl-gallery”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner el_class=”alignleft-box” width=”1/2″][vc_custom_heading text=”Instructions & Care” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]First Time Use

  1. Open zipper bag and fill halfway with tap water.
  2. Squeeze out excess air from the bag and zip the bag closed.
  3. Let stand for at least an hour. Overnight is even better.
  4. Once fully hydrated, take the Personal Radiator out of the bag and roll it in a towel to dry its surface. The Personal Radiator is now ready to wear. If you don’t plan to use the unit right away you can put it in the refrigerator until needed.


Ongoing Care Instructions

After use it’s important to care properly for your Personal Radiator in order to get many years of performance from the unit.

  • If you plan to use the Personal Radiator for multiple consecutive days simply rinse the unit under running water, pat it dry, place it back into the zipper bag and stick it in the refrigerator.
  • If your plan is to use the Personal Radiator again in a week or so, follow the instructions above only put the unit in the freezer. Take the unit out of the freezer a couple of days before its next use and put it in the refrigerator or cooler to have it ready to use for your upcoming event.
  • In the event you don’t plan to use the unit again for an extended period of time, simply rinse the unit, pat it dry and hang it where it will get plenty of airflow. It takes a couple of days for the unit to dry completely. Once dry place the unit in the zipper bag for storage.


Did you forget about your Personal Radiator?

If you happen to forget and leave the unit hydrated in a gear bag or backpack you may notice a musty smell in the Personal Radiator. If this happens, dry the unit completely as above, then put one cap full of non-Chlorine Bleach in the sink and fill it with water. Allow the unit to soak until it is completely hydrated, then rinse and use or follow the instructions above, whichever relates to your needs.

To wash your Personal Radiator we recommend hand washing with a mild soap. Using your own shampoo or body wash is a good idea as you already know you have no sensitivity to those products.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner el_class=”alignright-box” width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1494432493550{padding-left: 1rem !important;}”][vc_custom_heading text=”The PCLP Technology” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]The Gelid Products Personal Radiator works by utilizing the latest advances in Polyacrylamide Cross-Linked Polymer Technology. PCLP’s are non-toxic, hypoallergenic and completely inert plastics, which absorb liquids. Gelid Products’ specific compound of PCLP’s uptake water at a rate of 500:1.

The Gelid Product’s PCLP’s along with our special combination of fabrics create a two-stage cooling system keeping the user cool. Gelid garments cool by evaporation, as water vapor is released around the upper body. The effect is an overall increase in energy and comfort to the wearer. As the water vaporizes away, the Gelid Personal Radiator loses weight but maintains it’s full cooling capacity.

The inner liner poly-suede material gives a soft non-abrasive feeling and creates a heat-sync against the skin, which rapidly cools heat radiating to the body surface. A fully hydrated Performance Wrap will cool effectively for up to 5 days on a single soaking and still weigh in at only 1 ¼ lbs. It will dry to the touch after soaking and will not wet your clothing.

  • The ergonomic shape makes for a comfortable, “You won’t even know it’s there” fit.
  • No need to refrigerate it! The Gelid garment cools itself through evaporation.
  • After initial break-in, soaking the Gelid garment for 5 minutes will offer light-weight cooling power for a long time. 10-20 minutes soaking can cool up to 48 hrs-2 hrs soaking can last up to 5 days depending on weather conditions and activities.

In development for several years, Gelid Products is used by fire fighters, first responders, military personnel, athletes and race teams.  Soak the Personal Radiator in water for 10 to 20 min. Allow it to dry, Velcro the Personal Radiator on and stay cool for up to 48 hours.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_class=”page-section” el_id=”faq”][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”F.A.Q.” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_class=”box-title”][vc_tta_accordion active_section=”1″ el_class=”jl-accordion”][vc_tta_section title=”What is a Gelid Personal Radiator?” tab_id=”1494432662813-78439579-ba6f”][vc_column_text]A Gelid Personal Radiator is a personal garment similar to a dickey or bib. The collar can be worn over or under a shirt, jersey or under protective gear. When activated and worn around the upper body, the Performance Wrap acts as a heat sink, rapidly cooling the heat radiating from the body’s core.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”How it works?” tab_id=”1531805360586-b61de6e5-9f3a”][vc_column_text]It is no secret that athletic performance and endurance is negatively impacted by high temperatures. The hotter it gets, the greater the negative effects are felt and the quicker exhaustion sets in. Cooler, hydrated athletes perform better, no doubt.

Gelid’s unique products and technology offer a wide range of innovative solutions that actually cool themselves over extended periods of time through vaporization.

The effect for athletes is an overall feeling of increased energy and comfort with marked improvements in all areas of physical performance and endurance in extreme heat.

Gelid Products are dry to the touch and do not wet your clothing.

The Gelid technology works by utilizing the latest advances in Polyacrylamide Cross-Linked Polymer technology. PCLPs are non-toxic, hypoallergenic and completely inert plastics, which absorb liquids. Gelid Products’ specific compound of PCLPs uptake water at a rate of 500:1

The Gelid Products PCLPs along with our special combination of fabrics and patented construction methods create a two-phase cooling system.

The inner liner creates a heat sink against the skin, which rapidly aids the natural body cooling process of radiating heat from muscles and internal organs to the outer body surface.

The outer shell cools through convection, as water vapor is released around the upper body.

Each Gelid Product is designed for specific applications and areas that allow unencumbered athletic performance without compromise and increased comfort. Depending on the activity, one of several Gelid Product solutions can be found and applied.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Why would I care to reduce my body’s core temperature?” tab_id=”1494432662903-b042ad49-ef4e”][vc_column_text]An increase in your body’s core temperature can and will create a multitude of problems ranging from fatigue and over heating to heat stroke and even death. An early sign of heat fatigue is a loss of mental alertness or “Brain Fade”.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Will wearing a Personal Radiator help me stay hydrated?” tab_id=”1531804823896-00551682-9105″][vc_column_text]Yes, by using the water in the unit for evaporation instead of your own sweat your body can conserve fluids which is critical for performance. When the body is 2% dehydrated you lose 8% of you mental performance. You do not experience thirst until you are 5% dehydrated. Core-Cooler is an important part of any performance program.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Will it improve performance?” tab_id=”1531804902043-2619255c-a325″][vc_column_text]The Gelid garment acts as a heat sink against your body, which rapidly cools the heat radiating to the body’s surface, reducing heat build up. A cooler core temp means more oxygen in your blood and an increase in performance and comfort.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”What about using a towel or ice to cool down?” tab_id=”1531805075404-729f90f3-5583″][vc_column_text]Using ice or cold water on your skin to cool down will trick your brain into believing it has cooled off and actually shut down the body’s natural cooling processes causing a temporary spike in your body’s core temperature and increasing the negative effects of the heat. You just won’t know it until the next day when you are burned out, or you drop from heat stroke. A cold towel will only last a short time where as a core cooler stays hydrated and cool for up to 3 days. A towel or ice is also wet to the touch. The Core Cooler stays dry![/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”How long does it stay cool or hydrated?” tab_id=”1531805110550-4a23419a-a17d”][vc_column_text]Gelid garments stay cool and hydrated for up to 4 hours.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”How to use a Gelid garment (Care & Instructions)?” tab_id=”1531805194134-1280074b-f3b4″][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Can I customize a Gelid Product with a logo or team name?” tab_id=”1531805753548-b3d5f8b4-2c76″][vc_column_text]Yes. We are currently building an interactive tool to customize any of our products, but if you would like to have something customized in the meantime, just give us a call or send us an email. We will get a quote to you right away.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row disable_element=”yes” el_class=”page-section ” el_id=”team”][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Members” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_class=”box-title”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][ult_team img_hover_eft=”” social_icon_effect=”on” social_links=”%5B%7B%22social_link_title%22%3A%22Share%22%2C%22social_icon_url%22%3A%22%23%22%2C%22selected_team_icon%22%3A%22Defaults-share-alt%22%2C%22social_icon_color%22%3A%22%23ffffff%22%2C%22social_icon_hover_color%22%3A%22%23000000%22%7D%2C%7B%22social_link_title%22%3A%22facebook%22%2C%22social_icon_url%22%3A%22%23%22%2C%22selected_team_icon%22%3A%22Defaults-facebook%20facebook-f%22%2C%22social_icon_color%22%3A%22%23000000%22%2C%22social_icon_hover_color%22%3A%22%23ffffff%22%7D%2C%7B%22social_link_title%22%3A%22twitter%22%2C%22social_icon_url%22%3A%22%23%22%2C%22selected_team_icon%22%3A%22Defaults-twitter%22%2C%22social_icon_color%22%3A%22%23000000%22%2C%22social_icon_hover_color%22%3A%22%23ffffff%22%7D%5D” divider_effect=”” team_member_name_tag=”h3″ image=”id^987|url^https://gelidproducts.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/member2c.jpg|caption^null|alt^null|title^member2c|description^null” name=”Jane Doe” pos_in_org=”yoga instructor”]Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Ut sit amet orci vel mauris blandit vehicula. Nulla facilisi. Nunc volutpat.[/ult_team][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][ult_team img_hover_eft=”” social_icon_effect=”on” social_links=”%5B%7B%22social_link_title%22%3A%22Share%22%2C%22social_icon_url%22%3A%22%23%22%2C%22selected_team_icon%22%3A%22Defaults-share-alt%22%2C%22social_icon_color%22%3A%22%23ffffff%22%2C%22social_icon_hover_color%22%3A%22%23000000%22%7D%2C%7B%22social_link_title%22%3A%22facebook%22%2C%22social_icon_url%22%3A%22%23%22%2C%22selected_team_icon%22%3A%22Defaults-facebook%20facebook-f%22%2C%22social_icon_color%22%3A%22%23000000%22%2C%22social_icon_hover_color%22%3A%22%23ffffff%22%7D%2C%7B%22social_link_title%22%3A%22twitter%22%2C%22social_icon_url%22%3A%22%23%22%2C%22selected_team_icon%22%3A%22Defaults-twitter%22%2C%22social_icon_color%22%3A%22%23000000%22%2C%22social_icon_hover_color%22%3A%22%23ffffff%22%7D%5D” divider_effect=”” image=”id^995|url^https://gelidproducts.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/member3e.jpg|caption^null|alt^null|title^member3e|description^null” name=”Claudia R. Wells” pos_in_org=”personal trainer”]Nulla facilisi. Nunc volutpat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut sit amet orci vel mauris blandit vehicula.[/ult_team][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][ult_team img_hover_eft=”” social_icon_effect=”on” social_links=”%5B%7B%22social_link_title%22%3A%22Share%22%2C%22social_icon_url%22%3A%22%23%22%2C%22selected_team_icon%22%3A%22Defaults-share-alt%22%2C%22social_icon_color%22%3A%22%23ffffff%22%2C%22social_icon_hover_color%22%3A%22%23000000%22%7D%2C%7B%22social_link_title%22%3A%22facebook%22%2C%22social_icon_url%22%3A%22%23%22%2C%22selected_team_icon%22%3A%22Defaults-facebook%20facebook-f%22%2C%22social_icon_color%22%3A%22%23000000%22%2C%22social_icon_hover_color%22%3A%22%23ffffff%22%7D%2C%7B%22social_link_title%22%3A%22twitter%22%2C%22social_icon_url%22%3A%22%23%22%2C%22selected_team_icon%22%3A%22Defaults-twitter%22%2C%22social_icon_color%22%3A%22%23000000%22%2C%22social_icon_hover_color%22%3A%22%23ffffff%22%7D%5D” divider_effect=”” image=”id^987|url^https://gelidproducts.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/member2c.jpg|caption^null|alt^null|title^member2c|description^null” name=”Sarah F. Kettler” pos_in_org=”Pilates instructor”]Aliquam in sodales eros. Integer euismod ac orci id tristique. Suspendisse fermentum volutpat urna et elementum. Nam id lacinia diam, et elementum ligula.[/ult_team][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_class=”page-section” el_id=”testimonials”][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Cool Reviews” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_class=”box-title”][ultimate_carousel slides_on_desk=”1″ slides_on_tabs=”1″ slides_on_mob=”1″ speed=”900″ el_class=”jl-testimonials” arrows=”off” dots_icon=”ultsl-radio-unchecked”][vc_column_text]

SSG Jeffrey Barker

Being in Iraq was hard enough, but when a friend of mine handed me a Gelid Personal Radiator and told me how good it worked I didn’t believe him.  He gave me one of his spares and I tried it. This product was a God send instantly my moral went up because I wasn’t so dog tired every night after my shift. I fully recommend this product for all the soldiers to use.


Sgt Jerry Delasalle

When I was in Iraq I was stationed at the Abu Graib prison and as everyone knows who’s been to Iraq the summers can get pretty grueling with the heat. A battle buddy of mine was recommending this product called the Gelid Personal Radiator. So I ordered one from the internet. The first day I got it I followed the directions and began wearing it. I couldn’t believe it I felt 20 degrees cooler even though I was in the sun it was like it was a barrier between me and the sun. Being a prison guard was bad enough but because of the Personal Radiator it made it more bearable.


SSG Mike Landis

My name is Mike Landis I was stationed in Iraq in 2005 I was a supervising sergeant in a repair and utilities section of a military police battalion. My mission was to repair the detainee facilities in Iraq.  It meant I worked a lot of long hours in the hot sun. I heard about the Personal Radiators from one of our sergeants who ran convoys he told me they were great so I bought one and tried it. After about a week I didn’t want to take it off it worked so well I couldn’t believe the army hadn’t already issued us one I had tried other types of cooling products but none worked for a comparable duration as the Gelid Personal Radiator. I recommended them to all my soldiers to get.

[/vc_column_text][/ultimate_carousel][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_class=”page-section” el_id=”returns”][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Returns & Exchanges” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_class=”box-title”][ultimate_carousel slides_on_desk=”1″ slides_on_tabs=”1″ slides_on_mob=”1″ speed=”900″ el_class=”jl-testimonials” arrows=”off” dots_icon=”ultsl-radio-unchecked”][vc_column_text]

Gelid Products is absolutely certain you’ll love your Personal Radiator. If you don’t, you may return or exchange it. Please see the following common questions regarding our return policy.

What is your return policy?

We guarantee our merchandise to be free of manufacturing defects and will accept any defective item for refund or exchange. Please check the fit and sizing of your product before removing tags. Unwashed, unworn, unused or defective merchandise may be returned within 30 days after receipt of product for an exchange or refund. Please contact us if your order was placed more than 30 days ago.

Product must be returned in original packaging with tags. If you receive a defective or incorrect item please contact us so that we can send a return label to you and send the corrected item. We do not provide shipping for returned or exchanged items. If you are exchanging an item you will be charged for shipping on your new order for the different size, style or color.

Please note: We do not accept returns on products that were not purchased via this website. All merchandise sold on sale is final sale and cannot be returned unless it is damaged or we sent the wrong item.  Please note: We do not accept returns or offer refunds on gift certificates. Gift certificates do not have a cash value.

Where should I ship my return?

Returns and exchanges must be mailed to:

Gelid Products
74 West Cochran St., Suite A
Simi Valley, CA 93063

How should I ship my return?

Pack and seal your box securely, in the original packaging if possible. You should ship your return/exchange with a carrier who will provide your package with a tracking number to ensure that your package does not get lost. Packages must be returned prepaid. We do not accept COD.

When will my credit card be refunded?

Once your package has been received, your refund or exchange will be processed within 7 business days. If there is a refund due, a credit will be issued in the original form of payment. The credit may not show up until your credit card’s next monthly billing cycle. You will be notified via e- mail when this transaction has taken place. Please note that your banking institution may require additional days to process and post this transaction to your account once they have received the information from us.

The amount that will be refunded will be the cost of the item at the time of purchase. Original cost of shipping will not be refunded.


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10:00am – 9:00pm
10:00am – 8:00pm[/vc_cta][vc_column_text]4504 Lynch Street Martinez, CA 94553[/vc_column_text][ult_buttons btn_title=”SHOW ON MAP” btn_size=”ubtn-large” btn_title_color=”#ffffff” btn_bg_color=”#000000″ icon=”Defaults-map-marker” icon_size=”16″ icon_color=”#000000″ btn_icon_pos=”ubtn-sep-icon-at-right” el_class=”button”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”931″ css=”.vc_custom_1496985135795{background-image: url(https://gelidproducts.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/28568942_s.jpg?id=931) !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}”][vc_custom_heading text=”Oklahoma City, OK” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_class=”jl-store”][vc_cta h2=”Call:” h2_font_container=”color:%23000000″ h2_google_fonts=”font_family:Open%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” h4=”405-639-1721″ h4_font_container=”color:%23808080″ h4_google_fonts=”font_family:Open%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” shape=”square” use_custom_fonts_h2=”true” use_custom_fonts_h4=”true” el_class=”box-call”][/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Open:” h2_font_container=”color:%23000000″ h2_google_fonts=”font_family:Open%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” h4=”10:00am – 9:00pm” h4_font_container=”color:%23808080″ h4_google_fonts=”font_family:Open%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” use_custom_fonts_h2=”true” use_custom_fonts_h4=”true” el_class=”box-schedule”]Monday – Saturday:
10:00am – 9:00pm
10:00am – 8:00pm[/vc_cta][vc_column_text]1669 Hott Street Oklahoma City, OK 73109[/vc_column_text][ult_buttons btn_title=”SHOW ON MAP” btn_size=”ubtn-large” btn_title_color=”#ffffff” btn_bg_color=”#000000″ icon=”Defaults-map-marker” icon_size=”16″ icon_color=”#000000″ btn_icon_pos=”ubtn-sep-icon-at-right” el_class=”button”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”930″ css=”.vc_custom_1496985238761{background-image: url(https://gelidproducts.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/28547798_s.jpg?id=930) !important;}”][vc_custom_heading text=”Seattle, WA” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_class=”jl-store”][vc_cta h2=”Call:” h2_font_container=”color:%23000000″ h2_google_fonts=”font_family:Open%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” h4=”206-554-4235″ h4_font_container=”color:%23808080″ h4_google_fonts=”font_family:Open%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” shape=”square” use_custom_fonts_h2=”true” use_custom_fonts_h4=”true” el_class=”box-call”][/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Open:” h2_font_container=”color:%23000000″ h2_google_fonts=”font_family:Open%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” h4=”10:00am – 9:00pm” h4_font_container=”color:%23808080″ h4_google_fonts=”font_family:Open%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” use_custom_fonts_h2=”true” use_custom_fonts_h4=”true” el_class=”box-schedule”]Monday – Saturday:
10:00am – 9:00pm
10:00am – 8:00pm[/vc_cta][vc_column_text]1192 Elliot Avenue Seattle, WA 98101[/vc_column_text][ult_buttons btn_title=”SHOW ON MAP” btn_size=”ubtn-large” btn_title_color=”#ffffff” btn_bg_color=”#000000″ icon=”Defaults-map-marker” icon_size=”16″ icon_color=”#000000″ btn_icon_pos=”ubtn-sep-icon-at-right” el_class=”button”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_custom_heading text=”Become a reseller”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id=”contacts” el_class=”page-section contact-section”][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Contact Us” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_class=”box-title”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_cta h2=”Call:” h2_font_container=”color:%23000000″ h2_google_fonts=”font_family:Open%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” h4=”(844) 435 4326″ h4_font_container=”color:%23808080″ h4_google_fonts=”font_family:Open%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” shape=”square” use_custom_fonts_h2=”true” use_custom_fonts_h4=”true” el_class=”box-call”][/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”E-mail:” h2_font_container=”color:%23000000″ h2_google_fonts=”font_family:Open%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” h4=”pkaridissr@gmail.com” h4_font_container=”color:%23808080″ h4_google_fonts=”font_family:Open%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” shape=”square” use_custom_fonts_h2=”true” use_custom_fonts_h4=”true” el_class=”box-call”][/vc_cta][vc_column_text]Main Office
74 West Cochran St., Suite A
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